Nichts Neues von Hamas

aber so manches Bekannte vertraegt die Wiederholung: Hamas nimmt die pal. Bevoelkerung im Gazastreifen in Geiselhaft.

‚Hamas is creating humanitarian crisis‘

Hamas is unnecessarily endangering Palestinian civilians in the Gaza Strip by generating phony humanitarian crises, head of the Gaza Coordination Liaison Administration (CLA) Col. Nir Press said Monday.

On Sunday night, Gaza’s Shifa Hospital claimed that due to tight Israeli restrictions on imports into Gaza, it had run out of anesthetic for surgeries, and as a result had canceled all but the most critical procedures.

In an interview with The Jerusalem Post on Monday, Press dismissed the claims and said that in a meeting he held Sunday afternoon with Palestinian Health Ministry officials he was informed that the hospitals were running „low“ on the anesthetic. On Monday morning, less than 24 hours after making the request, Israel transferred 151 nitrous oxide gas balloons to Shifa Hospital.

„It is the Palestinians‘ responsibility to order the supplies,“ Press said, noting that despite the daily rocket attacks on Israeli towns – on Monday 10 rockets and shells pounded the western Negev – Israel continued to transfer medical goods and supplies into Gaza whenever they were ordered.


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